Hailing from Italy, Santino Sardo & Gaetano Bonfiglio have fused their musical talents into the massive electronic dance duo BlastersBoyz. The two DJs Italian have created a reputation in northern Italy through their live DJ sets. BlastersBoyz in 2010 delivered their production Blending Manufacturing Capabilities.
BlastersBoyz are known in the best club in Milan, Turin, Brescia, Bergamo, Etc… Santino & Gaetano began their career performing in several national web radio. The duo does not just perform in the live set radio, but in the meantime continue to release productions.
Electro House club smasher by Italian super producers BlastersBoyz and production mastermind Houslash. If you are looking for the next club hit to slam the dance floor then grab “Jump3r” for your next gig!
Two-track EP release on ShiftAxis Records by Italian EDM duo BlastersBoyz.
Deep In Love Remix EP
Deep In Love Remix EP is a beautiful Progressive House release courtesy of Belgium producer DIMIX including vocal stylings by Amy Kirkpatrick. The remix EP features a Soul House remix from Laurentius and two Progressive House remixes from BlastersBoyz and Mauro Ferdinand. If you are looking for the next hit record purchase, make sure to have a listen to this huge EP released by ShiftAxis Records.